Chairs: Karen D. Shelby, Baruch College, The City University of New York/Art History Teaching Resources; Virginia B. Spivey, Independent Scholar/Art History Teaching Resources
“Agency in Test Design as Motivation for Art History Students”
Eleanor Moseman, Colorado State University, Department of Art and Art History
“Assessing Applied Art History: The eBay Project”
Lisa Langlois, SUNY Oswego
“When the Projector Fails: Transforming the ‘Slide Exam'”
Martha Hollander, Hofstra University
“Breaking Binaries: The Magic Square Essay Exam”
Janice Simon, University of Georgia
“Reacting to the Past: Game Play as a Replacement for Traditional Assessment Methods”
Mary Frances Zawadzki,, Texas A&M
“One Objective, Four Ways to Meet It; Replacing High-Stakes Exams with Multi-Option Creative Projects” Cara Smulevitz, San Diego Mesa College
“EVERY BODY: Physical Engagement and Making in Portfolio Assessments for the General Education Art History Survey” Susannah Kite Strang, Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago
“Synthesizing the Survey, Illustrating the Timeline: Rethinking History Assignments for Design Students”
Alexa Griffith Winton, Ryerson School of Interior Design
“Alternative Student Projects for Assessment in Art History Courses” Michele Wirt